Reportedly Unfollowing His Wife, Justin Bieber Speaks Up

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber
(Doc. Ist) - Justin Bieber has just stolen the attention of a number of people, especially his fans, when he unfollowed Hailey's Instagram, his wife. 

This further strengthens public opinion regarding the rift between Justin and Hailey which has been spreading since the end of the year. 

However, this also confused the public because last weekend the famous singer posted a photo of Hailey in the story and then wrote the caption "the greatest woman I have ever known and ever will." 

Not wanting to be the subject of public questions, Justin Bieber finally clarified the reasons for unfollowing his wife. 

According to him, his account was being hijacked by irresponsible individuals to unfollow his wife. This was conveyed after Justin returned to following Hailey's account.

 "Someone went into my account and unfollowed my wife. Damn, this is starting to get suspicious," said Bieber, who soon followed Hailey Bieber again. 

Unfortunately, not all of his fans believe the clarification stated by Justin Bieber. Previously, Hailey had also clarified that her marriage with Justin was fine and not experiencing problems as reported. 

"You guys are not okay, and that's not a problem," Hailey said in a post on Instagram.

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